Maneri: Three Steps

Here is a brief passage from one of Sharafuddin Maneri’s ‘Hundred Letters’ to the Governor Shamsuddin.  For more about Maneri and the letters, please see this earlier post.  When he refers to the world of humanity, Maneri means, in fact, our animal nature, in which one is preoccupied with the five senses, ‘such as eating, drinking, smelling, seeing, hearing, and other similar things.’

The secret is that, along the path there are three steps: the Law, the Way, and the Truth.  Man is said to be composed of three elements: ego, heart ad soul. There is a path corresponding to each of them: the Law is for the ego, the Way is for the heart, and Truth is for the soul.  Through the Law, the ego passes from the world of humanity to that of sovereignty.  There it acquires the qualities of the heart.  The heart, by means of the Way, passes from the world of sovereignty to the that of power.  Here it obtains the qualities of the soul. The soul, through a great longing for the divinity, proceeds along the way of Truth to the very summit of the Divine Being. Thus it happens that the ego becomes a heart, while the heart, in turn, becomes a soul.  All three heed the one order, as has been said:
Lover, beloved and love, all three have but one meaning.

…It is also said that the traveler has three states. The first, that of a traveler; then awareness; and finally, return.  These three states cannot occur without the intention and will of the Lord.

Tr. Paul Jackson, S.J.

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