Tales: It’s a secret

Once it happened that a student came to visit Mullah Nasruddin, and after greeting him respectfully, asked the Mullah a very deep spiritual question.

The Mullah studied the student for a short time, and then said, “It’s a secret.”

The student asked, “Mullah, I understand.  I am only a beginner on this path.  Please tell me what I can do to become worthy of learning the secret.” In answer, the Mullah prescribed a complicated series of exercises involving various disciplines, long fasts and many repetitions of prayers and sacred words. Gratefully, the student noted down this regime, and went away to practice.

Months later, the student reappeared in front of the Mullah, again greeted him respectfully, and said, “Mullah, I have followed your instructions carefully.  I hope you will now tell me the answer to my question.”  To the student’s surprise, though, the Mullah again said, “It’s a secret.”

“But Mullah,” protested the student, “I did exactly as you told me.  I fasted, prayed, fulfilled all the disciplines.  Why am I still not worthy?”

“Who said you are not worthy?” asked the Mullah.  “What you ask is a secret because it has not yet been revealed to me!”

2 Replies to “Tales: It’s a secret”

  1. Howard Olivier

    Sweet!, especially if you fix the typo so it reads, “What you ask is a secret, because it has not been revealed to me.”


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