Tales : The Gift that Solomon Refused

It happened once upon a time that King Solomon was walking in his garden with one of his ministers when to their surprise a dervish clad in rags stepped forward and blocked their path. The dervish bowed in greeting to the king and said, “Hail Solomon, wisest of all men.  Know that it is in my power to give you a rare and precious gift.”

“Greetings to you, brother,” said the king. “What is the gift you offer?”

The dervish opened his hand to display an extraordinary jewel that seemed to shine with an inner light.  “It is this, O king. But this is not merely a gem, such as the many you have in your treasure house. This stone has the power to grant wishes. It will fulfil your every wish instantly.  But you must keep if hidden – far from the sight of any eye, or disaster will surely befall you and your land.”

King Solomon pondered for a moment, and then stretched out a hand. But instead of taking the stone, he gently closed the dervish’s fingers around it, and then shook his head.

Later the minister spoke to King Solomon, expressing his surprise that the amazing gift had been refused.  “But perhaps it was that your majesty recognized the claim to be false.”

“Not at all,” Solomon replied. “There was truth in the eyes of the dervish.”

“Then I do not understand,” said the minister.  “Why would your majesty decline a gift that would make every wish come true? Surely so much could be accomplished!”

“For two reasons,” Solomon replied. “If I have any wisdom at all, perhaps it is this – to know that not every wish should be fulfilled. Surely a moment’s thought will show you this is so. And the second reason,” he concluded, “is that the dervish said the gem must be hidden from every eye. But how could it ever be hidden from the One Who is all-seeing? Therefore to accept such a gift would be doubly disastrous.”

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