Tales : The Mullah corrects a rumour

It happened once upon a time that Mullah Nasruddin was approached in the street by a stranger who greeted him warmly, and said, “Mullah, your reputation spreads far and wide. Your wisdom does honour to your turban! I have come a long way to meet you.”

Nasruddin stroked his beard and looked solemn. The man’s enthusiasm suggested that he wanted something.

“And, as I journeyed,” the man added, “every person I met along the way knew your name and told me that you are the most generous man in the world.”

Nasruddin concluded that the man wanted money. “When you go home, will you be returning by the same way?” he asked.

“Yes,” the man replied.

“Then, will you do me a favour?”

“To do a favour for you, Mullah, would be a privilege!”

“Please tell those people they are wrong.”

One Reply to “Tales : The Mullah corrects a rumour”

  1. Josephine M Lolicato

    Oh dear Mullah,
    you remind me just how wearisome it is to be shaped by the impressions of others. One twists and turns trying to be just so and totally forgets one’s true self. Abundant freedom is found when others’ expectations are of no consequence.


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