Yusuf bin Husain was a 9th c. CE Sufi, perhaps from Persia, but little is known of his life. He is said to have studied with the Egyptian Sufi Dhul-Nun.
Yusuf said : The Lord Himself petitions the devotee to direct his attention toward Him. He asks of him as a beggar asks alms of a rich man; such is His anxiety to reclaim man. He entreats that he might come to Him.
What a refreshing glimpse – another perspective from which we may admire our prediciment!
Thank you, Howard. The predicament of the rich man who refuses the beggar?
Yes, I am not sure I can put it into succinct words! The perspetive I was viewing the story from is that God is treating us as if we were rich, and is anxious that we return to Him, putting Himself in a pose that feels ‘fresh’ to me.
Thank you, Howard, and I see the inversion. But the rich man does not see his own poverty, and will only discover it when he gives himself away.
Yes, thank you Nawab, for restating this important facet.
Much gratitude for your patient and inspiritng guidance as we sift through the layers.