Tales : What is humility?
It happened once upon a time that the ruler of a certain region came to visit a Murshid, hoping to improve himself. In the course of their conversation, the ruler Continue Reading →
hearing the message of spiritual liberty
It happened once upon a time that the ruler of a certain region came to visit a Murshid, hoping to improve himself. In the course of their conversation, the ruler Continue Reading →
Sun Bu’er: corta los espinos lo suficiente Si perseveramos lo suficiente en nuestra práctica, nos dice Sun Bu’er, habrá un resultado. Corta los espinos lo suficiente, brote tras brote, y florecerá el Continue Reading →
This post concludes Hazrat Inayat Khan’s brief lecture on the role of desire in our journey toward the goal. The first instalment is here. This whole creation is the result Continue Reading →
Хазрат Инаят: Что такое Суфий? часть IX Рассмотрев в предыдущей статье стадии верования, Хазрат Инаят Хан теперь размышляет над тем, как суфизм может быть включён в различные признанные формы верования и мышления. Continue Reading →
Het noodzakelijke Het lijkt erop dat onze wereld met de dag wanordelijker wordt. Mensen lijden onder stormen en overstromingen, droogtes, epidemieën, hongersnood, politieke onderdrukking, maatschappelijke onrust en oorlog. De lijst Continue Reading →
Cuentos: Bahlul y la comida del Califa Algunos decían que Bahlul era un tonto, pero el gran Califa Harún al Rashid no estaba tan seguro. Él sospechaba que Bahlul era Continue Reading →
We assume that we are independent beings, self governing (except for all the aspects of life we don’t know how to control), and we jealously guard ourselves against any perceived Continue Reading →
For more about the 13th c. CE Persian mystic Mahmuyd Shabistari, see this post. A blind man won’t believe what you say about coloureven if you spend a hundred years Continue Reading →
With this post we begin a short lecture by Hazrat Inayat Khan on the subject of desire and fulfilment. If we have studied the chapter on the Silent Life in Continue Reading →
For more about the 15th c. CE mystic and poet Kabir, see this earlier post. Seekers, this body is like the stringOf a musical instrument Twist the peg,Tune the stringThe Continue Reading →