Hazrat Inayat : Aspects of Sufism pt VI

In the previous post, Hazrat Inaytat Khan began a description of the Masters that have come from time to time to guide humanity, stressing that although they may appear separate in form, they are one in the essence of their Message.

If the Masters were not the same in their mortal garb, yet in spirit they were one; if it were not so, how could one and the same truth be disclosed by them all? The Masters of humanity have been the elder brothers who guided the younger ones out of their brotherly love, and owing to their love of the Father. It is humane to sympathize with one’s fellow man when he is striving for something and cannot gain it, and to help him to the attainment of the ideal for which he strives.

This is very well illustrated by the myth of Ramachandra. It is said in the Purana that once Sita, the consort of Ramachandra, was staying in the guardianship of Vashita Rishi with her sons. The younger son Lahu, one day went to see the neighboring town. He saw Kalanki, a most beautiful horse, running about the city without a rider. When he inquired whose the horse was, people told him that this horse had been let loose so that whoever was able to catch it should be made the king of that kingdom. This tempted the youth, and he ran after the horse in order to catch it. He continued running a long time, and met with nothing but disappointments. Every time he came close to the horse, thinking now he would catch it, it slipped from his hand. When he reached the point of utter disappointment, he saw his brother coming in search of him, sent by his mother, and he told him that he would not come back till he had caught the horse. The brother said, ‘That is not the way to catch a horse; in this way you will perhaps run forever and will not be able to catch it. Therefore, instead of running after the horse, run to meet it.’ This caused the younger brother to succeed in a moment’s time. Then both brothers were taken to the presence of Ramachandra, their father, who embraced both, acknowledging the guidance of the one and the achievement of the other.

All the Teachers who came before taught for whatever community or group of people they were born, and prophesied the coming of the next Teacher, foreseeing the possibility and the necessity of the continuation of the Message until its fulfillment.

That the Messengers came successively did not mean that they were to give different messages, but that they should correct the corruption made in the message of the past by its followers. Also to revive principles in order to suit the evolution of the period, and to recall the same truth to the human mind which had been taught by the past Masters but had become lost from memory. It was not their personal message, but the divine message. They were obliged to correct the errors made by the misinterpretation of the religions, thereby renewing the same truth given by the past Masters which had in the course of time been changed from its real character. Man has ignorantly quarreled about the names and forms of Masters, traditions, principles, and their limited groups, forgetting that they are one in that which unites them. 

Their messages differ from one another in their outer appearance, each message being given in accordance with the age of man’s evolution, and also in order to add a particular part in the course of divine wisdom. Certain laws and principles were prescribed by them to suit the country where the message was given, the climate, the period, customs, manners and requirements.

To be continued…

3 Replies to “Hazrat Inayat : Aspects of Sufism pt VI”

  1. huma

    Beloved Murshid

    Thank you for this post on aspects of Sufism and for the myth of Ramachandra.
    As for the horse , i have been pondering about the meaning of this animal in the tale, especially here: -That is not the way to catch a horse; in this way you will perhaps run forever and will not be able to catch it. Therefore, instead of running after the horse, run to meet it.’ –
    At first i thought the horse could symbolise the thinking mind .At such we often feel like we are running after a wild horse that is impossibile to catch .But i also wonder if the horse symbolises our life’s purpose, in a wider manner .Either way , what is the real meaning behind the difference between running after or towards the horse?
    Thank you Nawab !

    • Nawab Pasnak Post author

      Beloved sister Huma, heartfelt thanks for your thoughts. Yes, the pursuit of the horse is sometimes used to describe the control of the mind, but it can also be seen as the pursuit of purpose or destiny. In any case, the image suggests that we must learn to take charge, rather than to simply follow after and react. When a toddler begins to run about the house, the parents learn to anticipate where the child might go next. Studying our mind – and the patterns of our life – we can develop similar foresight, and choose which thoughts and which patterns to allow.

  2. huma

    Beloved Murshid

    Thank you for your kind answer.
    It has revealed as such a powerful and beautiful image to me , that of the meeting of the horse instead of running after it.These stories are seeds that sprout in our being when the light of day falls upon them at the right time of the season.
    And so this vast plain opens inside the horizon of our consciousness as the light of Divine Intelligence pierces through the veil of our thoughts, revealing patterns we no longer identify with.
    Like a theatre of shadow playing on a wall , these patterns only appear in the dark room of our small self.A play of light, Maya, as the Beloved crafts the theatre of our life.
    Then Love enters, and the walls disappear.

    May we ride blessed by Light

    God bless you Nawab!


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