Tales: You are right!

Here is another story of the multi-sided Mullah Nasruddin.  What do you think–is the Mullah being wise? Or foolish?

It happened once upon a time that two men had a dispute that seemed insoluble, so they decided to take it to Mullah Nasruddin for judgement.  Naturally, they arrived at the Mullah’s house with a large crowd of onlookers, for such things are common entertainment in a village.  When the Mullah understood why the people were there and what they wanted, he put on his largest turban, stroked his beard, and said to one of the men, “You may begin.”

The man gave a long explanation  of the affair, and when he finished, the Mullah said, without hesitation, “You are right.”

But wait,” said the other man, “you have not heard my side of it!”  And he proceeded to tell the matter in his way.  When he finished, the Mullah again, without hesitation, said, “You are right.”

“But, Mullah,” protested one of the onlookers, “these men are saying exactly the opposite to each other.  They cannot both be right!”

The Mullah looked at the man for a moment, and then said, “You are right.”

2 Replies to “Tales: You are right!”

  1. Howard Olivier

    Wonderful teaching! It works, thanks to a participatory audience statement which opens the door to explore lasting solutions to the situation. There is much wisdom in this bridge building step.


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