Visalat Day, the anniversary of the departure of Hazrat Inayat Khan from this world in 1927, is celebrated on the 5th of February, but at his Dargah in New Delhi the preparations begin well in advance. These pictures give some idea of the tasks underway – decorating the domes, bringing fresh flowers to adorn the compound and stools for visitors to sit on in the garden, and preparing to erect the bamboo scaffolding that will protect the upper terrace with a tent – waterproof, in case of rain. Meanwhile children are rehearsing their presentations for the programme and guests from around the world are already flying in this direction.

Dear Murshid
Thank you for sharing images of the Dargah.The passing of a sufi is a celebration, while here on earth the passing is treated like an hospital failure.Our attachment to forms is the root of such suffering as we cling to a branch for fear of falling into an abyss that is the shadow of our mind.And yet, this suffering is our human curriculum while on earth and the way we can develop compassion.Truly, to live in this world and not being in this world is a great challenge.The Urs is a reminder of the real purpose of life and a joy for me to remember the ecstatic atmosphere of the Dargah , the music , the beauty and the celebration of the day i had the blessing of being there for such a sacred remembrance , some years back, of the day Pir O Murshid Inayat merged back with the Beloved. Thank you Nawab, God bless you Murshid
🙏🏻💛💛💛 Gracias Murshid
So beautiful to see these photos of preparation at the Dargah
and to feel the spirit of devotion, flowing inwards and outwards,
Much gratitude,
Murshid Nawab,
Thank you for sharing and allowing our hearts to also be part of these important days.
A huge hug full of gratitude