As can be seen from this anecdote and from this earlier post, Hazrat Inayat Khan frequently had to deal with strong opinions about religion.
A lady came to see Murshid, and said to Murshid, “Now look here, Murshid, I want to speak with you on an important subject, for it is a question of faith. Now, I believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and our Redeemer, and that his religion must be taught to the heathen world. And I hear that you consider alll the prophets equal. Now, that I cannot understand.”
Murshid answered, “I have never said that all prophets are equal. I only say that I do not feel equal to judge them, following the words of Christ: Judge ye not. So I simply bow my head to all in humility.”
What a lovely reframing distinction, foundation and reply! Inspiring clarity and respect.