Tales : Halfway there

It happened once upon a time that a businessman came to Mullah Nasruddin and begged him for a favour. The businessman wished to purchase a piece of property from another man whom he knew to be a friend of the Mullah’s. “Mullah,” said the man, “I know he will sell it to you for a very good price. I will give you the money. Please go and buy it for me, and I swear to you by all that is holy, I will shower you with gifts!”

Nasruddin accepted the commission, but the businessman had a reputation for stinginess, and the Mullah doubted his promise to shower him with gifts. Nevertheless, Nasruddin went to his friend, made an offer for the land, and as the businessman had predicted, his friend was happy to sell it to the Mullah at a very low price.

When news came that the land had been sold, the businessman arrived promptly at Nasruddin’s door, smiling broadly – but as the Mullah noticed, with empty arms. “Did I not say that your friend would give the land at a good price?” said the businessman. “Thanks to you, Mullah, my plans will be fulfilled. I am there!”

Nasruddin stroked his beard and said, “Friend, you are only halfway there. Your money had gone to my friend, and he has given the land. But the deeds to the land are in my pocket – and they have my name on them.”

One Reply to “Tales : Halfway there”

  1. Josephine Lolicato

    Nazruddin you are fair and just. Willing to experience the matter at hand without being exploited. Research and wisdom ensure that documentation be kept by the fair one. What you know is not meant to be ignored. It is easier when ownership is not yours.


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