Hazrat Inayat: The Chord to which One Belongs

In the beginning of a world all the matter which will eventually form a completed whole, is already in existence, but in a state of chaos. It is not that any new thing or world or being is to be created, but that there shall be a re-arrangement of all the parts until the whole is complete. The number and arrangement of every atom has yet to be made.

Every electron and atom of electricity must take its own appointed place in the mighty scheme. This is the great evolutionary process. The God buried in humanity must be uncovered and placed on His throne in the heart of man. The difficulty is that all, from atom to human being, are continually trying to fit into a place to which they do not belong. The upheavals of nature, the great unrest, the world revolutions, the shedding of bodies, and the separations and divisions among men, all these things are caused by the parts of the whole trying to stay in a place to which they do not belong. Directly man is in his own place, he has peace; until then he cannot have it.

A world in the making can be likened to a great jigsaw puzzle, whose separate parts have life and are capable of independent movement. Each part has its own particular place and its relation to every other part, and no thing or being can live by itself alone; but if they are in their wrong places, the Hand of God must move them before the complete picture can be revealed.

The way by which man can find his own place of peace is to tune his instrument to the keynote of the chord to which he belongs. Sound is the force which groups all things, from atoms to worlds. The chording vibration sounds in the innermost being of man and can only be heard in the silence. When he can go into the inner chamber and shut the door to every sound that comes from the life without, then will the voice of God speak to his soul and he will know the keynote of his life.

4 Replies to “Hazrat Inayat: The Chord to which One Belongs”

  1. Juan Amin Betancur

    Como dicen una y otra vez las enseñanzas del Mensaje, el continuo parloteo de nuestras mentes y bocas no nos deja escuchar la melodía de la creación que vibra dentro de nosotros. A veces creo que Dios está a punto de decirnos, ‘¡Por qué no te callas!, ¡Escúchame!’.

    ¿Será que también con la oración, todo exceso es malo? Siempre pidiendo, siempre alabando, siempre repitiendo palabras, y, ¿cuándo dejamos que Dios nos hable? ¿Cuál es el punto medio? En el proceso de las prácticas sufis tratamos de favorecer ese espacio – quizás no con la constancia que deberíamos tener – pero cuando encontramos el espacio es como si hubiéramos encontrado un claro en el bosque, en donde podemos olvidar nuestra inquietud permanente. Al terminar la práctica, es posible que sintamos que comienza un día realmente diferente, que la relación con nuestro alrededor cambió en forma sutil pero fundamental.

  2. Eqbal

    Dearest Nawab, thank you! Reading this post gave me a new understanding of Sufi Invocation “Toward the One, the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty…”

  3. Inam

    Beloved Murshid Nawab,
    How can one tune his/her instrument to the keynote of the chord he/she belongs to find his/her own place of peace? How to realise that he/she has arrived to this peace and can stop to look for it?

    • Nawab Pasnak Post author

      Dearest Inam, How can we tell when a string is in tune? When two members of a choir stand together and sing the same note, there is an emotion for which there really is no name, a feeling of life and wholeness, of rightness. Our problem as individuals is that we have forgotten how to listen within; we are distracted. Therefore, the need is to be still and listen. Once we recognise the keynote, to borrow Hazrat Inayat’s word, then we can find it in any circumstance. This is ‘selective hearing’, not different from the ability that allows us to follow one conversation in a room full of people talking, or that allows a mother to hear her own child cry across a crowded supermarket. Once we hear it we know it.


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